Saturday, June 23, 2018

How does Input/Output work in a Processor with basic Keyboard Monitor example

When we press a key on keyboard how does processor tells monitor to display that key, this example is directly taken from book by Carl Hamacher.

We know that processor, keyboard and monitor are connected via a bus structure, as rate of data transfer from keyboard to processor is limited few characters per second which is not likely to exceed. While rate of transfers from processor to display is much higher, typically few thousand characters per second, but this is still much slower than a processor which can execute many millions of instructions per second. So a mechanism is used to synchronise this transfer.

Solution is : On output side, processor sends a character and waits for a confirmation signal form display that it has received that character then sends another character. On input, processor waits till a character key is struck on keyboard and its available in some kind of buffer register. Then processor read that character and waits for next key to be struck on input.

So we need buffer registers on both input/output devices of 8-bits, as ASCII needs at-least 7-bits to represent, and a status control flag on both input/output to actually know when to read or write. Lets assume DIN a buffer register and SIN a status control flag for it to inform processor that it holds a character. SIN is 1 when DIN holds a value and is automatically cleared to 0 after processor transfers that value. This process is repeated to to get a stream of characters from a input device, in this case keyboard. Similar process takes place at display, assume DOUT is a buffer register and SOUT is status control flag. SOUT is 1 when display is ready to receive a character, then contents form processor are transferred to DOUT and SOUT is cleared 0; when display is ready to receive another character SOUT is set to 1 and process continues.

We assume initial state of SIN is 0 and SOUT is 1. Processor is branched to a wait loop until value of SIN is set to 1 on input side and on output side it waits till SOUT is 1 by initial condition its always ready to transfer data but when keyboard key is struck and character is transferred to processor and it goes in a wait loop till another key is struck. Similarly in display when a character is transferred to it from processor wait loop starts until it is ready for another character.
This is only basic of how a processor handles input/output but in actual computers this is done more efficiently and with many more registers. If you are interested in assembly code for this process please comment.


Amit's post: Computer basics input device and output

Signed number representation & Importance of 2's Complement

Signed number representation :-

In any system we obviously need to represent both positive and negative numbers there are 3 methods to do such task:-

  • Sign-and-magnitude
  • 1's complement 
  • 2's complement
In all 3 methods leftmost bit is 0 for positive and 1 for negative number. If we consider 4-bit  numbers all positive numbers that can be generated are same in all 3 methods of number representation. Difference is seen in case of negative numbers, in sign-and-magnitude negative values are represented by changing the most significant bit from 0 to 1. For example +5 is 0101 and -5 is 1101. In 1's complement representation negative values are obtained by complementing each bit, for example: +3 is 0011 and -3 is 1100. 2's complement of a number is found by adding 1 to 1's complement , +7 is 0111 and -7 is 1001 (1's complement of +7 is 1000 we add 1 in it to get 2's complement).

There is a distinct representation of +0 and -0 in both sign and magnitude and 1's complement representation but 2's complement have only 1 representation of 0. For 4 bits value -8 is represented in 2's complement but not in other representations. Most natural is sign and magnitude system, 1's complement is easily related but 2's complement gives an uneasy feeling so why is it even used. Bear  for a moment as your question will be answered once and for all in following topic.

Addition and Subtraction of Signed numbers :-

The sign-and-magnitude representation is simplest of 3 but when performing addition and subtraction it is the most awkward of all. 1's complement is little better than sign-and-magnitude. But 2's complement method is best for addition and subtraction of signed numbers.
To understand 2's complement arithmetic lets consider modulo N (mod N) addition. A circle is marked form 0 to N-1 along its perimeter. In our case N=16 (4 bits).

So if our operation is (7+4) mod 16 gives value 11, to perform this graphically we locate 7 on circle and move 4 units clockwise arriving at answer 11. Lets apply mod 16 on addition of +7 and -3, when we perform binary addition of +7 and -3 in 2's complement form it will be 0111 and 1101.


By our graphical method we locate 0111 and take 1101 (13) steps clockwise we arrive at 0100 (+4) which is correct answer. If we ignore carry-out from our binary addition we get our answer. Ignoring carry out is natural result of mod N arithmetic. This ignorance of carry out is what makes 2's complement best suited for arithmetic operations.
Note that addition is only algebraically correct if answer lies in range of -2n-1 to +2n-1 - 1. In our case of 4 bits its -8 to +7.


Aneesh Dogra's post : Signed and unsigned additions in x86
Amitesh's post : Signed and unsigned numbers